The front line tool here is the power, which is plus. He had a 114 mph max EV and 107.5 mph 90th EV, enabled by high-end bat speed. His launch angle profile is one of the best in the nation, with a 15.8 average LA and 17.9 HH-LA to go with plus LA distributions point towards a guy who will consistently run a high BABIP. The hit tool has a couple glaring flaws, including a near-30% whiffs (20% in-zone), a 33.2% chase rate and 51.2% swing rate. I think a lot of good would be done if he simply swung less, which is theoretically a simple coaching point, but easier said than done. I think the fact that he was able to produce at such a high level and limit Ks, relatively speaking, while clearing the previously mentioned hit tool hurdles speaks to the talent level on a broader scale. His Cape Cod performance did a lot to help my confidence level, where he actually outperformed his spring while posting encouraging batted ball metrics.